What is Aroma-Therapeutic skin care?

While I was passing out samples of body oils and hand creams in Santa Monica last Thursday, I received a better response and more interest using the term aroma-therapeutic. People were curious to find out what it was. Natural skin care is my opinion has become a severely, abused phrase. I’ve decided to use the words aroma-therapeutic to describe Wild Beauty’s skin care creations.

Aroma-therapeutic skin care is flower botanicals, fresh herbs, potent roots and essential oils working together to create healthy, glowing skin.  I use essential oils not only as a fragrance but to relax or uplift a person’s spirit depending on their bodies need.

It’s fascinating to me to see how aromatherapy has been growing in our world. In Japan, engineers are incorporating aroma systems into new buildings. In one application, the scent of lavender and rosemary are pumped into the customer area to calm down the waiting customers, while the perfumes from lemon and eucalyptus are used in the bank teller counters to keep the staff alert.

Majority of the hand creams, lotions, and body oils on the market contain extracts from the herb and flower such as chamomile, rosemary and green tea. The products contain herbs, oils and juices produced without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers or genetically modified ingredients. In other words, they’re better for the environment and leave less chemical residue on your skin. That’s fascinating and shows the true power of aromatherapy and what I try with every creation to impart.

Aroma-therapeutic skin care is about changing the concept of how we look at and choose the ingredients used. Every ingredient works together to create healthy, beautiful skin. This is I want Wild Beauty’s skin care creations to be remembered.

Felecia Scott

Website: www.shop.wildbeautyskincare.com

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